Sunday, December 3, 2017

My Story/Our Story

Here is a little post about me. I am a very private person but I wanted to share this little post with you all, so you can get to know a little about me/us.

Here is our Love Story:

I never wanted kids, like ever. 
Before you go and judge me for that statement, please read this. Well that is if you want to know a little about me. 
I had plans to be someone. I wanted to make a difference in the world, but life had other plans for me. Life chewed me up and spit me back out.

I got pregnant right out of high school and I mean right out of high school. I got out of school April of 2000 and then I had a baby August of 2001. I had a baby at 19 years old and all I could like was “Holy Shit, my baby is the cutest baby in the world”  J
Right after my son was born I got sick and in 2004 I had to have a partial hysterectomy. That day was the worst day of my life. I was so pissed off, I was devastated, and I was even pissed off at God for allowing this to happen to me. Why me, what that frack did I do?

Then this nurse came in and said baby just remember that everything happens for a reason. AND then I kicked the nurse out and told her to never say stupid shit like that to me again. I was in the hospital for four days and I had four days to grieve and cry for the child and or children that I will never be able to have. But in the same breath I felt guilty for being so selfish because there was so many women out there that could never have children.

So fast forward to 2015….

I went on a date with this amazing guy and when he saw me and kissed me, I knew that I was going to marry him one day. We became friends and we saw each other every time my son was with his father for a couple of months Then we decided to become serious, now keep in mind that we both had extras to bring to the table.  He had three children ages 10, 9, and 6 and I had a 14 year old.

We made it official January 2016 and then we moved in together August 2016. Oh…. here is the best part, we got married December 2016

During our world wind romance I had a dream… and in that dream my Grandmother told me this was my “everything happens for a reason moment”. When I woke up I knew what my purpose was and my purpose was to marry an amazing man that came with three amazing children.

Now our life is crazy and I mean crazy, you should hear our house on the weekend when we have all the kids. It is actually music to my ears yes all the yelling and laughing.  I sometimes go into my bedroom and shut the door and just smile with tears in my eyes because even though I didn’t birth these three amazing kids, they are still my kids. I got the family I always wanted but was to afraid and thought that I was not good enough for it.

So I am not an emotional person and I hate to share my feelings… so this is my/our story.

I added in our Wedding song, Enjoy! 


To my amazing husband. You have no idea how much I love you, words cannot describe how deep my love for you goes.  I know I am a brick wall at times and I thank God every day that you are still here loving me as much as you do. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life as well as your children’s life. I love you with every fiber of my being. 

Happy 1-year wedding anniversary my love!


  1. I was always rooting for you to find your happiness. I'm so glad you did!
