Sunday, January 26, 2014

Readers Week with Rebecca Sherwin (Author)

Rebecca Sherwin is a very lovely and talented writer! She wrote Second Chance Hero which I absoulty adore. It is such an amazing story.
Rebecca Sherwin was so very sweet to share her favorite book and why for us and I butterflying love her why!!!
Oh my god. My favorite book just smacked me in the face. And not because it's my favorite of all time, but because I remember why I liked it. It was Lord of The Flies by William Golding. I read it when I was a kid and it's the story that got me interested in human behavior. I had to pull it apart and analyse it and it got me hooked on doing the same thing with the human mind and social behaviors. It's why I went to college to study the social sciences.

A geeky reason I know, but I didn't want to suggest a boy meets girl romance because whilst they're my reading material of choice, they don't impact my life. Finding a man who's just stepped out of one is the only impact I need ;)
Thank you Rebecca Sherwin so much for sharing your favorite book and your why with us !!!!
If you want to know more about Rebecca Sherwin
Twitter: @RRSherwin

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